Best of 2014 — Best Discovered Author

Best Discovered Author isn’t about getting hooked on a new series, but about finding an author who we’d read anything and everything they ever did. They could hop genres, kill off characters and more and we’d be right there.

last policeman trilogyBethany’s Pick: Honestly, for me, I shuffled around Best First Book in a Series and Best Discovered Author a bunch of times because the authors and the books they’ve written are just dang good. But after much shuffling and perhaps a bit of eenie-meenie-miney to just get these awards sorted, I’m picking Ben H. Winters for Best Discovered Author. I devoured his Last Policeman books, am excited that he’s writing something new and want to go read other things he’s written, especially his spoof, “Android Karenina.”

anonStacie’s Pick:  Mary Louise Kelly and her book, Anonymous Sources.  Again, another great title selection from Bethany.  I was pulled into this title and am eagerly anticipating her second book, The Bullet.  I really connected to the characters in this book, which for a stand alone is unusual.  I love this gal though.  She seems like the kind of woman I can have a coffee with, do something that is equal part brilliant and stupid, then laugh about it over some more coffee.

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